![Dr. Thomas D. Parsons, PhD](http://Parsons.socialpsychology.org/9004/photo.jpg)
Dr. Thomas D. Parsons, PhD
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Dr. Parsons is a Clinical Neuropsychologist and Professor of Psychology. He directs the Computational Neuropsychology and Simulation (CNS) Lab. Prior to UNT he was an Assistant Professor and Research Scientist at the University of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies. His research in computational neuropsychology (neuroinformatics) makes use of novel technologies (videogames; virtual reality; brain-computer interfaces) for modeling and simulation.
Much of his research integrates psychology and technology. In addition to his patents for eHarmony's Matching System (U.S. Patent No. 6735568, Issued 2004; U.S. Patent No. US 2014/0180942 A1, Issued 2014), He has invented and make use of virtual environments and artificial neural networks to assess the frontostriatal system's supervisory attentional system and adaptive responding to environmental situations.
Primary Interests:
- Emotion, Mood, Affect
- Internet and Virtual Psychology
- Judgment and Decision Making
- Neuroscience, Psychophysiology
- Personality, Individual Differences
- Social Cognition
- Sociology, Social Networks
Research Group or Laboratory:
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- Kane, R.L., & Parsons, T.D. (Eds.). (2017). The Role of Technology in Clinical Neuropsychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Parsons, T.D. (2017). Cyberpsychology and the Brain: The Interaction of Neuroscience and Affective Computing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Parsons, T.D. (2016). Clinical Neuropsychology and Technology: What's New and How We Can Use It. New York: Springer Press.
Journal Articles:
- Parsons, T.D. (2015). Virtual Reality for Enhanced Ecological Validity and Experimental Control in the Clinical, Affective, and Social Neurosciences. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 1-19.
- Parsons, T.D., Barnett, M., & Melugin, P. (2015). Assessment of Personality and Absorption for Mediated Environments in a College Sample. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 18, 752-756.
- Parsons, T.D., Carlew, A.R., Magtoto, J., & Stonecipher, K. (2017). The potential of function-led virtual environments for ecologically valid measures of executive function in experimental and clinical neuropsychology. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 37 (5), 777-807.
- Parsons, T.D., & Courtney, C. (2014). An Initial Validation of the Virtual Reality Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test in a College Sample. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 222, 15-23.
- Parsons, T.D., Courtney, C., & Dawson, M. (2013). Virtual Reality Stroop Task for Assessment of Supervisory Attentional Processing. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 35, 812-826.
- Parsons, T.D., Gagglioli, A., & Riva, G. (2017). Virtual Environments in Social Neuroscience. Brain Sciences, 7, 42, 1-21 [Special Issue "Best Practices in Social Neuroscience"]
- Parsons, T.D., & J. Reinebold. (2012). Adaptive Virtual Environments for Neuropsychological Assessment in Serious Games. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 58, 197-204.
- Parsons, T.D., & Phillips, A. (2016). Virtual Reality for Psychological Assessment in Clinical Practice. Practice Innovations, 1, 197-217.
- Parsons, T.D., Rizzo, A.A., Courtney, C., & Dawson, M. (2012). Psychophysiology to Assess Impact of Varying Levels of Simulation Fidelity in a Threat Environment. Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, 5, 1-9.
Courses Taught:
- Clinical Psychology Practicum
- Cyberpsychology and the Brain
- Neurobiological Bases of Behavior
- Perception and Cognition
Dr. Thomas D. Parsons, PhD
United States of America